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January 31st

462 Notable birthdays

Philip Glass

American composer.

Born January 31st, 1937 (age 87 years) in Baltimore.

Nikita Dragun

Youtube personality.

Born January 31st, 1996 (age 28 years) in City of Brussels.

Beatrix of the Netherlands

Queen of the netherlands from 1980 to 2013.

Born January 31st, 1938 (age 86 years) in Soestdijk Palace.

Terry Kath

American musician, former member of the rock band chicago (1946-1978).

Born January 31st, 1946 in Chicago. [ref]

Died January 23rd, 1978 at 31 years old in Woodland Hills (ballistic trauma). [ref]

Dexter Fletcher

English actor and director.

Born January 31st, 1966 (age 58 years) in London Borough of Enfield.

Amrita Arora

Indian actress.

Born January 31st, 1981 (age 43 years) in Chembur.

Jerry Brudos

American serial killer (1939–2006).

Born January 31st, 1939 in Webster.

Died March 28th, 2006 at 67 years old in Salem (liver cancer). [ref]

Norman Mailer

American novelist, journalist, essayist, playwright, film maker, actor and political candidate (1923-2007).

Born January 31st, 1923 in Long Branch. [ref]

Died November 10th, 2007 at 84 years old in New York City (kidney failure). [ref]

Bobby Moynihan

American actor.

Born January 31st, 1977 (age 47 years) in Eastchester.

Glynn Turman

American actor, writer, director, and producer.

Born January 31st, 1947 (age 77 years) in New York City.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 462

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02/01 »

You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. Bob Hope