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Notables at age 91

239 Notable birthdays

Petula Clark

British actress and singer.

Born November 15th, 1932 (age 91 years) in Epsom.

Prunella Scales

British actress.

Born June 22nd, 1932 (age 91 years) in Abinger.

Philip Zimbardo

American social psychologist, author of stanford prison experiment.

Born March 23rd, 1933 (age 91 years) in New York City.

Neile Adams

Filipino-american actress.

Born July 10th, 1932 (age 91 years) in Manila.

Katharine, Duchess of Kent

Wife of prince edward, duke of kent.

Born February 22nd, 1933 (age 91 years) in Hovingham Hall.

Tinto Brass

Italian film director.

Born March 26th, 1933 (age 91 years) in Milan.

Sheila Hancock

British actress.

Born February 22nd, 1933 (age 91 years) in Blackgang.

Michael Heseltine

British conservative politician, former deputy prime minister of the united kingdom.

Born March 21st, 1933 (age 91 years) in Swansea.

Barbara Feldon

American actress.

Born March 12th, 1933 (age 91 years) in Butler.


Thai queen.

Born August 12th, 1932 (age 91 years) in Bangkok.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 239

My life is better with every year of living it. Rachel Maddow