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Notables at age 89

307 Notable birthdays

Maggie Smith

English actress.

Born December 28th, 1934 (age 89 years) in Ilford. [ref]

Judi Dench

English actress.

Born December 9th, 1934 (age 89 years) in York.

Sophia Loren

Italian actress.

Born September 20th, 1934 (age 89 years) in Rome. [ref]

Mary Berry

British food writer and television presenter.

Born March 24th, 1935 (age 89 years) in Bath.

Brigitte Bardot

French animal rights activist and former actress and singer.

Born September 28th, 1934 (age 89 years) in Paris. [ref]

Ruskin Bond

Indian writer.

Born May 19th, 1934 (age 89 years) in Kasauli.

Pat Boone

American singer.

Born June 1st, 1934 (age 89 years) in Jacksonville.

Judd Hirsch

American actor.

Born March 15th, 1935 (age 89 years) in The Bronx.

Jimmy Swaggart

American tv evangelist.

Born March 15th, 1935 (age 89 years) in Ferriday.

Eileen Atkins

English actress.

Born June 16th, 1934 (age 89 years) in London.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 307

Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons. Stephen Chbosky