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Notables at age 83

584 Notable birthdays

Nancy Sinatra

American singer and actress.

Born June 8th, 1940 (age 83 years) in Jersey City.

Nick Nolte

American actor.

Born February 8th, 1941 (age 83 years) in Omaha.

Faye Dunaway

American actress.

Born January 14th, 1941 (age 83 years) in Bascom. [ref]

Richard Dawkins

English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author.

Born March 26th, 1941 (age 83 years) in Nairobi. [ref]

Dionne Warwick

American singer (born 1940).

Born December 12th, 1940 (age 83 years) in East Orange.

Joan Baez

American singer, songwriter, musician and activist.

Born January 9th, 1941 (age 83 years) in Staten Island. [ref]

Sam Waterston

American actor, producer and director.

Born November 15th, 1940 (age 83 years) in Cambridge.

Cliff Richard

British singer.

Born October 14th, 1940 (age 83 years) in Lucknow.

Terry Gilliam

American-born british screenwriter, film director, animator, actor and member of the monty python comedy troupe.

Born November 22nd, 1940 (age 83 years) in Minneapolis.

Pete Rose

American baseball player.

Born April 14th, 1941 (age 83 years) in Cincinnati.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 584

Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. John Lennon