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In the year 1962

1,521 Notable birthdays

Kelly Preston

American actress and model (1962-2020).

Born October 13th, 1962 in Honolulu.

Died July 12th, 2020 at 57 years old in Clearwater (breast cancer). [ref]

Richard Jewell

American police officer.

Born December 17th, 1962 in Danville.

Died August 29th, 2007 at 44 years old in Woodbury (myocardial infarction, diabetes). [ref]

Tommy Lee

American drummer (born 1962).

Born October 3rd, 1962 (age 61 years) in Athens.

Emilio Estevez

American actor, director, and writer.

Born May 12th, 1962 (age 61 years) in New York City.

Matthew Broderick

American actor and singer (born 1962).

Born March 21st, 1962 (age 62 years) in Manhattan.

Jennifer Jason Leigh

American actress from california.

Born February 5th, 1962 (age 62 years) in Hollywood.

Axl Rose

American singer.

Born February 6th, 1962 (age 62 years) in Lafayette. [ref]

Michelle Yeoh

Malaysian-born actress of chinese ethnicity.

Born August 6th, 1962 (age 61 years) in Ipoh.

Billy Beane

American professional baseball player and current front office executive.

Born March 29th, 1962 (age 62 years) in Orlando.

Wesley Snipes

American actor.

Born July 31st, 1962 (age 61 years) in Orlando.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 1521

« 1961
1963 »

As you get older, three things happen: The first is your memory goes, and I can't remember the other two. Norman Wisdom