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In the year 1955

1,362 Notable birthdays

Billy Bob Thornton

American actor, filmmaker, and musician.

Born August 4th, 1955 (age 68 years) in Hot Springs.

Kelsey Grammer

American actor.

Born February 21st, 1955 (age 69 years) in Charlotte Amalie.

Eddie Van Halen

American rock musician (1955-2020).

Born January 26th, 1955 in Amsterdam.

Died October 6th, 2020 at 65 years old in Santa Monica (laryngeal cancer, cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]

Maria Shriver

American journalist, author, a member of the kennedy family. former first lady of california and founder.

Born November 6th, 1955 (age 68 years) in Chicago.

J. K. Simmons

American actor.

Born January 9th, 1955 (age 69 years) in Detroit.

Mark David Chapman

John lennon's killer.

Born May 10th, 1955 (age 68 years) in Fort Worth.

Dawood Ibrahim

Mumbai mobster, drug dealer, and terrorist.

Born December 26th, 1955 (age 68 years) in Khed.


Indian actor and former politician.

Born August 22nd, 1955 (age 68 years) in Mogalthur.

Bill Nye

American science educator, comedian, television host, actor, writer, scientist and former mechanical engineer.

Born November 27th, 1955 (age 68 years) in Washington, D.C..


Somali and american muslim supermodel and businesswoman.

Born July 25th, 1955 (age 68 years) in Mogadishu.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 1362

« 1954
1956 »

Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years. Ausonius