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In the year 1929

978 Notable birthdays

Kishore Kumar

Indian singer and actor (1929-1987).

Born August 4th, 1929 in Khandwa.

Died October 13th, 1987 at 58 years old in Mumbai (cardiovascular disease).

Ed Asner

American actor (1929–2021).

Born November 15th, 1929 in Kansas City.

Died August 29th, 2021 at 91 years old in Tarzana.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-french actor (1929-2020).

Born April 10th, 1929 in Lund. [ref]

Died March 8th, 2020 at 90 years old in Seillans. [ref]

Shakuntala Devi

Indian writer and mental calculator (1929-2013).

Born November 4th, 1929 in Bengaluru.

Died April 21st, 2013 at 83 years old in Bengaluru.


Indian actress (1929-1981).

Born June 1st, 1929 in Kolkata.

Died May 3rd, 1981 at 51 years old in Mumbai (pancreatic cancer).

Arnold Palmer

American golfer.

Born September 10th, 1929 in Latrobe. [ref]

Died September 25th, 2016 at 87 years old in Pittsburgh (cardiovascular disease). [ref]

Yasser Arafat

Former palestinian president, and nobel peace prize recipient (1929-2004).

Born August 4th, 1929 in Amman.

Died November 11th, 2004 at 75 years old in Clamart (poisoning, autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]

Berry Gordy

American record producer, founder of motown records.

Born November 28th, 1929 (age 94 years) in Detroit.

Barbara Walters

American broadcast journalist (1929–2022).

Born September 25th, 1929 in Boston.

Died December 30th, 2022 at 93 years old in Manhattan. [ref]

Imelda Marcos

Former first lady of the philippines.

Born July 2nd, 1929 (age 94 years) in Manila.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 978

« 1928
1930 »

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri