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In the year 1915

609 Notable birthdays

Denis Thatcher

English businessman, husband of margaret thatcher.

Born May 10th, 1915 in London.

Died June 26th, 2003 at 88 years old in Lister Hospital, Chelsea (pancreatic cancer).

Hu Yaobang

Chinese politician (1915-1989), former general secretary of the communist party of china.

Born November 20th, 1915 in Liuyang.

Died April 15th, 1989 at 73 years old in Beijing (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Thomas Merton

Priest and author.

Born January 15th, 1915 in Prades. [ref]

Died December 10th, 1968 at 53 years old in Bangkok (electrocution). [ref]

Sister Rosetta Tharpe

American gospel musician (1915–1973).

Born March 20th, 1915 in Cotton Plant. [ref]

Died October 9th, 1973 at 58 years old in Philadelphia (stroke). [ref]

Khushwant Singh

Indian novelist and journalist (1915-2014).

Born August 15th, 1915 in Hadali.

Died March 20th, 2014 at 98 years old in New Delhi.

Sargent Shriver

American diplomat, politician and activist (1915-2011).

Born November 9th, 1915 in Westminster. [ref]

Died January 18th, 2011 at 95 years old in Bethesda (Alzheimer's disease). [ref]

John Profumo

British politician (1915-2006).

Born January 30th, 1915 in Kensington. [ref]

Died March 10th, 2006 at 91 years old in London (stroke). [ref]

Paul Tibbets

United states air force pilot (1915-2007).

Born February 23rd, 1915 in Quincy.

Died November 3rd, 2007 at 92 years old in Columbus (heart failure). [ref]

M. F. Husain

Indian artist (1915-2011).

Born September 17th, 1915 in Pandharpur. [ref]

Died June 9th, 2011 at 95 years old in London (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Vincent J. McMahon

American professional wrestling promoter (1914–1984).

Born July 6th, 1915 in Harlem. [ref]

Died May 27th, 1984 at 68 years old in Miami-Dade County (cancer). [ref]

birthdays 21 to 30 of 609

« 1914
1916 »

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Sammy Hagar