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In the year 1855

232 Notable birthdays

Archduchess Sophie Friederike of Austria

Austrian imperial and royal.

Born March 5th, 1855 in Vienna.

Died May 29th, 1857 at 2 years old in Buda (typhus).

Inukai Tsuyoshi

Japanese politician and prime minister of japan (1855–1932).

Born June 4th, 1855 in Okayama.

Died May 16th, 1932 at 76 years old in Tokyo.

Yukteswar Giri

Indian yogi and guru (1855-1936).

Born May 10th, 1855 in Serampore.

Died March 9th, 1936 at 80 years old in Puri.

Ferdinand Tönnies

German sociologist, economist and philosopher (1855–1936).

Born July 26th, 1855 in Oldenswort. [ref]

Died April 9th, 1936 at 80 years old in Kiel. [ref]

Otto Liman von Sanders

German general (1855-1929).

Born February 17th, 1855 in Słupsk.

Died August 22nd, 1929 at 74 years old in Munich.

Félix Resurrección Hidalgo

Filipino painter (1855-1913).

Born February 21st, 1855 in Binondo.

Died March 13th, 1913 at 58 years old in Barcelona.

Evelyn De Morgan

Pre-raphaelite artist (1855-1919).

Born August 30th, 1855 in London.

Died May 2nd, 1919 at 63 years old in London. [ref]

Josiah Royce

American philosopher (1855-1916).

Born November 20th, 1855 in Grass Valley. [ref]

Died September 14th, 1916 at 60 years old in Cambridge. [ref]

Olive Schreiner

South african author and pacifist (1855-1920).

Born March 24th, 1855 in Cape Colony. [ref]

Died December 11th, 1920 at 65 years old in Cape Town.

Paul Deschanel

11th president of the french republic (1855-1922).

Born February 13th, 1855 in Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek. [ref]

Died April 28th, 1922 at 67 years old in Paris (pleurisy). [ref]

birthdays 11 to 20 of 232

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The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca