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Rita Ora

British singer.

Born November 26th, 1990 (age 34 years) in Pristina.

actor, film actor, model, singer, songwriter, voice actor

Hey there, birthday girl Rita Ora! Guess what? You just turned 34 years old on Nov 26th! That's like, 34 trips around the sun and countless hits on the radio. Not bad for someone who's constantly living their best life. Here's to another year of slaying the music industry, making bold fashion statements, and being an all-around badass. We can't wait to see what you accomplish in the next 34 years (and beyond)! But for now, let's eat some cake, pop some bottles, and dance like we're in our 20s again. Happy birthday, Rita Ora! Keep shining like the star you are.

My life is better with every year of living it. Rachel Maddow