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Nicolas Cage

American actor.

Born January 7th, 1964 (age 60 years) in Long Beach.

actor, character actor, executive producer, film actor, film director, film producer, screenwriter, television presenter, television producer, voice actor

Happy 60th birthday to the one and only Nicolas Cage! 🎉🎂 On January 7th, we celebrate the birth of a legendary actor who has graced us with his dynamic performances for decades. From "National Treasure" to "Con Air," you have captured our hearts and entertained us with your unique charm and intensity. Here's to many more years of bringing life to the big screen. Cheers to you, Cage! 🥂 #NicolasCage #60andFabulous #HappyBirthday

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri