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Dax Shepard

American actor.

Born January 2nd, 1975 (age 49 years) in Highland Township.

actor, film actor, film director, film editor, screenwriter, television actor, television presenter, voice actor

Hey there, Dax Shepard, happy 49th birthday to you! Can you believe you're officially pushing 50 now? I mean, I know it's just a number and age is just a state of mind, but let's be real, you're creeping up there, buddy. However, I have a feeling you'll embrace this new decade with just as much charm and humor as you have every year before. Here's to many more adventures, laughs, and shenanigans as you enter the prime of your 40s! Cheers to Jan 2nd being the best day of the year (sorry, New Year's Day) because it marks your arrival into this world. Keep being your witty, talented, and all-around awesome self. Happy birthday, Dax!

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss