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Notables at age 90

258 Notable birthdays

Alan Bennett

English actor, author, playwright, and screenwriter.

Born May 9th, 1934 (age 90 years) in Armley.

Don Cherry

Ice hockey coach, television commentator.

Born February 5th, 1934 (age 90 years) in Kingston.

Nick Clooney

American journalist, anchorman, and television host.

Born January 13th, 1934 (age 90 years) in Maysville.

Jane Elliott

American schoolteacher known for her "blue eyes/brown eyes" exercise.

Born May 27th, 1933 (age 90 years) in Riceville.

Cissy Houston

American singer.

Born September 30th, 1933 (age 90 years) in Newark.

Willie Brown, Jr.

American politician of the democratic party.

Born March 20th, 1934 (age 90 years) in Mineola.

Jean Chrétien

20th prime minister of canada (1993–2003).

Born January 11th, 1934 (age 90 years) in Shawinigan.

Fred Haise

American astronaut.

Born November 14th, 1933 (age 90 years) in Biloxi.

Kathryn Crosby

American actress.

Born November 25th, 1933 (age 90 years) in Houston.

Debra Paget

American actress and entertainer (born 1933).

Born August 19th, 1933 (age 90 years) in Denver.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 258

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca