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Notables at age 52

1,756 Notable birthdays

Justin Theroux


Born August 10th, 1971 (age 52 years) in Washington, D.C..

Julian Assange

Australian publisher, activist and founder of wikileaks.

Born July 3rd, 1971 (age 52 years) in Townsville.

Paul Bettany

British actor.

Born May 27th, 1971 (age 52 years) in Shepherd's Bush.

Amy Poehler

American actress.

Born September 16th, 1971 (age 52 years) in Newton.

Bridget Moynahan

American actress, model.

Born April 28th, 1971 (age 52 years) in Binghamton.

Christina Applegate

American actress (born 1971).

Born November 25th, 1971 (age 52 years) in Hollywood.

Amy Coney Barrett

Us supreme court justice since 2020 (born 1972).

Born January 28th, 1972 (age 52 years) in New Orleans.

Nikki Haley

American politician.

Born January 20th, 1972 (age 52 years) in Bamberg.

Ricky Martin

Puerto rican singer.

Born December 24th, 1971 (age 52 years) in San Juan.

Martin Freeman

English actor.

Born September 8th, 1971 (age 52 years) in Aldershot.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 1756

Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years. Ausonius