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Notables at age 100

25 Notable birthdays

Herman Chernoff

American statistician.

Born July 1st, 1923 (age 100 years) in New York City.

Herwig Schopper

German nuclear physicist.

Born February 28th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Lanškroun. [ref]

Ida Vitale

Uruguayan writer.

Born November 2nd, 1923 (age 100 years) in Montevideo. [ref]

Khamtai Siphandon

Former chairman of the lao people's revolutionary party.

Born February 8th, 1924 (age 100 years) in French Protectorate of Laos.

Geoff Brown

Australian tennis player.

Born April 4th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Euroa.

Bianca Maria Piccinino

Italian journalist.

Born January 29th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Trieste.

Marianne Werner

West german shot putter.

Born January 4th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Dülmen.

Juan Arricio

Bolivian footballer.

Born December 11th, 1923 (age 100 years) in La Paz.

Antonio Greco

Bolivian footballer.

Born September 17th, 1923 (age 100 years) in La Paz.

Birte Christoffersen

Olympic diver.

Born March 28th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Copenhagen.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 25

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Sammy Hagar